Sunday, January 31, 2021

Defense Lawyers Quit

    All five members of Donald Trump's impeachment defense team have resigned from the case, a bit more than a week before the Senate trial is scheduled to begin.
   One wonders why.
  Here's a possibility: The lawyers wanted to say the impeachment was unconstitutional, because Trump was already out of office, and thus the issue of impeachment was moot. The sole charge was incitement of insurrection, based on his speech to supporters who immediately broke into the Capitol building. However, Trump wanted to focus on the idea that he really did win the election, and therefore the invasion of the Congress by rioters was justified.
   The real reason why the lawyers quit is not known.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Never Again

   Donald Trump is banned from ever again holding any public office in the United States.
   Not because Congress may impeach and convict him, nor because the vice president and the Cabinet may remove him from office, but because the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, approved in 1868, already prohibits it.
   Specifically, the Constitution says, "No person shall ... hold any office, civil or military, under the United States ... or as an officer of the United States (who) shall have engaged in engaged in insurrection ... or given aid or comfort" to those who do.
   There is little doubt that he encouraged the mob gathered for his speech to march to the Capitol to prevent the formal approval of a new president. Nor is there any doubt that he comforted those who did raid a session of Congress for failing to succeed in their insurrection.
   Therefore, whether Trump is removed from his position before his term expires next week, or whether the House of Representatives impeaches him, or whether the Senate convicts him even after his term expires, he will never again be able to hold any government office.
   He has talked of running again for the presidency, but even if he does, he is Constitutionally prohibited from moving back into the White House.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Song for the Day

On the first day of Congress, the Trumpsters gave to  all:

Trial by combat
Incitement for mayhem
Mob insurrection
Politicians hiding
Stalled in their voting
Military guarding
Rioters invading
Five of them dead
Top aides resigning
Worldwide rejection
Failed re-election
And a president accused of treason