Saturday, October 9, 2010

Spacy Cadet

MEANINGLESS NUMBERS -- Tom Corbett, candidate for Pennsylvania governor, has a TV ad claiming that one out of three Pennsylvania graduates go out of state to find jobs. The suggestion is that this is a bad thing. But if one-third go out of state, that means two-thirds, a solid majority, find jobs in the state. The claim also says nothing of the number of students at Pennsylvania colleges and universities who are originally from other states and go home on graduation.

GOOD LINE -- Thomas Friedman in the New York Times called it "the Tea Kettle movement -- because all it's doing is letting off steam."

CANINE DOGS -- Broadcasters need to remember that while K9 is clear enough in print, to refer to highly trained dogs used in rescue and police work, it's not clear to the ear. The Samurai Rim Man wondered if they say "canine dogs" to differentiate them from "feline dogs," or even "canine cats." The term K9 began with "K9 Corps," the military term for the units that used our four-foot friends in the field.

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