Friday, December 23, 2011

Lost Privacy

The Orwellian Age is here, and we have willingly and eagerly signed on.

People are giving up their sense of privacy. Posting details of their daily lives on Internet social media sites and shouting into their mobile phones in public places are symptoms of a major change in society. Then there are those who record their actions on video and post the pictures on Web social media sites. For example: Teenagers who recorded their beating of a homeless man, posted the video on the Web, and were soon arrested.  What a surprise.

Lesson for the Day: There is no privacy on the Internet. Ever. Computers never forget. Anything. Ever.

Deleting something only moves it to a different file, which may (or may not) be overwritten with new material. Someday. Eventually. Perhaps. Maybe. Or not.

Rule Number One: If you don't want the world to know, don't put it into the computer.

Thus spake Pogo, the Okefenokee Sage:  "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

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