Wednesday, March 6, 2013


News item: Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Gov. Rick Scott of Florida have moved to the political center, and have opted to accept federal funds to expand Medicaid.

Herewith, a not-so-imaginary conversation as Republican governors change positions:

Feds: "Here's money to expand Medicaid and provide more health care to the citizens of your state."

Governors: "I'm opposed to government sponsored health care, and anything remotely resembling meddling in state affairs."

Feds: "The money's available and ready. If you don't want it, we'll give it to someone else."

Governors: "On second thought ... I want to do what's best for all the citizens of our great state. Besides, I want to be re-elected. I'll take the money."

Tea Party Activists: "You're abandoning free-market principles of corporate capitalism that made this country what it is."

Comment: Maybe that's a good thing. Some of those principles should be abandoned, especially those that cover up abusive paternalism, and benefit a wealthy few while harming the low-income many.

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