Friday, December 26, 2014


   Words are tools. They can be use to help or hurt, educate or eliminate, propagate or punish, amuse or attack, calm or chasten in as many ways as there are word combinations in any language.
   Writing is also hard work, and anyone who says otherwise is delusional. There are a few, however, to whom ideas come early and easily, and these folks are able to transfer their thoughts and ideas to paper in a reasonably coherent fashion. But they are a rare few.
   Most of us struggle to snatch ideas from our mental ether and then struggle further with the procession of expanding and organizing an idea and related thoughts and concepts to paper.
   Some can verbalize extemporaneously, which can sound good while they're talking, but often this process is merely being glib. If you sound like you know what you're talking about, people will assume you do. Not always a valid assumption, since the talkers may be just "Blowing Smoke." (Note the capitalized letters.)

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