Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Rules Be Rules

   Headline: Trump wins NY primary in a landslide.

   Question: Does he still think the system is "rigged" and "corrupt," as he complained after losing last week?

   Reminder: A political party is a private club, and each state sets its own rules, and these have been in place for months.
   If you don't like the rules, don't play the game. Or, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. So far, he only complains when he loses. That makes him a sore loser, as noted here last week.

   Meanwhile, in golf course news, Trump's representatives in Ireland want a "fast-track" application to build a wall on the beach to protect a golf course he bought two years ago but was since damaged by severe Atlantic storms.
   Locals have objected, so he wants a "fast-track" national appeal after the proposed Atlantic wall was rejected. Authorities turned down that bid also, noting that the national infrastructure act that provided for a fast track, thus avoiding the local authority stage, was intended for "big projects that are important to the national interest."
   "This is just a golf club," said one official.

   Also, it seems one of Trump's four aircraft has been operating on an expired registration certificate for several months. The New York Times reported today that registration for the Cessna jet, used for smaller airports, expired but has still been in use since January.
   A spokeswoman for the candidate claimed the renewal process was nearly complete, but the Federal Aviation Administration said it had not yet received a renewal application.
   The renewal application fee is $5, and the registration is good for five years.

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