Monday, November 14, 2016


"You gotta know the territory." -- Prof. Harold Hill, "The Music Man," master salesman who supplies River City with a boys' band, even as he knows nothing about music.

   Question: If the new President "drains the swamp" in Washington as he has promised, where will the political alligators go?
   Answer: Inside, to the halls of power in the White House and the Capitol building, as they "help" Donald Trump "reform" the financial system of all the abuses and loopholes he has utilized in the past to enrich himself and his family.
   Already, Washington insiders and lobbyists are scrambling for positions in the upcoming Trump administration, bragging that they are the ones who know the territory.
   Meanwhile, Trump is keeping his transition team mostly in the family, with three of his children and his son-in-law prominent diggers of the drainage ditch.
   All this from a master salesman from out of town whose song and dance has persuaded American voters that only he can fix what he claims is a broken system.
   But you can't fix what you don't understand. Perhaps that's why the new music man in town is hiring expert local musicians who know the score. Whether the new conductor can harmonize the players into a symphony of cooperation and progress won't be known until after the overture.
   Stay tuned.

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