Monday, August 14, 2017

Flagging Feelings

Unity suffers when bigotry waves its bloody shirt.

   Demonstrators show their true colors when they display flags at their rallies.
   For all the "America First" chanting at recent protest affairs, the flags carried at Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend displayed the swastika of Nazi Germany and the battle flag of the breakaway slave states during the Civil War, rather than the Stars and Stripes of the United States of America.
   Rather than emphasize their loyalty to a united America where all are created equal, the flags carried into the violent confrontations symbolized racism, bigotry and hatred for those who do not look like, sound like, think like or worship like the flag wavers.
    So instead of rallying people around the flag of a united country, with all its diversity of race, color and religion, the adherents of neo-Nazism, the Ku Klux Klan and other extremist groups showed their true colors by the use of flags emphasizing things that are anathema to the American way.
   "Make America grate again" would seem to be a more true slogan for them.
   It is a new low in iconic hypocrisy to use symbols of disunity and hatred even as they demand a new form of unity -- their beliefs and their beliefs alone, which exclude the feelings or beliefs of those who don't agree.
   They represent a dangerously divided country, not a United States of America.

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