Tuesday, September 19, 2017

War Talk

The whole world is watching.

   The president of the United States threatened to "totally destroy North Korea" unless that country backs off its recent behavior.
   In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Donald Trump referred to the leader of North Korea as "Rocket Man" as he warned that nation to stop launching missiles in the direction of Japan and the U.S. territory of Guam.
   The North Korea delegation left the hall before Trump began his speech.
   The president cautioned Iran and Venezuela that those countries also would face American intervention unless they changed their ways.
   Such talk may play well with the president's ultra-conservative base as he continues his "America First" campaign rhetoric. But in his speech to the UN, Trump urged other countries to employ a similar approach, putting their own countries' interests above all others.
   How these three points -- self interest, intervention, and total destruction of foes -- will lead to world peace is an open question.

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