Thursday, February 1, 2018

Abandon Ship

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke

   The captain is piloting the ship of state to a titanic disaster, as key members of the Republican crew abandon their congressional posts rather than pledge personal allegiance to the self-thought-of Glorious Leader.
   Nearly every day, there are new reports about this president's demands that agency chiefs and key legislators vow their loyalty to him and prove they are part of his team, many of these long-time Republicans resign or decide not to seek re-election.
   It seems they are being told they must choose between their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, or pledge personal loyalty and reassure the president they are on his side, and his alone.
   Their alternatives, then, are to grovel to the commander in chief or resign their government posts lest they be summarily fired.
   Elected officials -- members of the House of Representatives and the Senate -- cannot be fired, but they can become targets of constant insult and abuse of themselves and their families.
    Result: Many say to themselves, "I don't need this," and decide to retire from their careers in public service.
    There are many good people active in government. However, it takes a strong will and devotion to the Constitution and the rule of law to stand up to those who would destroy the principles of American society for their own benefit.
   Perhaps by abandoning a sinking ship -- e.g. the Republican Party -- and signing on to a new organization devoted to preserving American values even among disagreement on how to do it, they will show their allegiance to the nation and the Constitution rather than to a demagogue who demands personal loyalty as the price of staying on board a sinking ship.

   p.s. Standing ovations lose their value when they are rendered at the end of every sentence, as happened during the president's State of the Union speech to Congress.

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