Monday, June 25, 2018

Speak Truth to Chaos

"No person ... shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law .." -- U.S. Constitution, Fifth Amendment.

   It is the duty and responsibility of journalists to speak truth to power, especially when those in power depend on chaos to advance whatever they perceive is an agenda.
   To call for the immediate deportation of refugees without due process of law offends not only morality, but violates the Constitution, which the president is sworn to uphold, protect and defend.
   Of course, if he has never read the Constitution, he can hardly be expected to do any of that.
   Instead, the president wallows in the chaos that he concocts, and has admitted that he enjoys such chaos, perhaps because it feeds his delusion that "I alone can fix it."
   In his latest effort to spread chaos and advance bigotry and racism against mothers and children seeking asylum along America's southern border, the president insists he wants more judges to hear their cases, and better yet, just send them back to where they came from without bothering with legal process.
   There are two problems with that position: First, the federal court system in America is an independent body, and not under the control of the president. And second, no person can be deprived of liberty with the due process of law.
   The Constitution does not specify that this applies only to citizens, to white men only, and excludes women, children or refugees, whether they be black, Hispanic or Asian. The Constitutional call for "due process of law" applies to all, and this has been upheld repeatedly by court decisions.
   Moreover, the policy of detaining refugees and separating them from their children -- which is done only along the nation's southern border and against Hispanic people fleeing violence, and not along the northern border -- can only be described as racist.
   To be consistent, perhaps the government should also close off the United States boundary with Canada. That would be consistent with the president's isolationist and nationalist talking points.

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