Thursday, October 18, 2018

Political Fakers

   Political types often masquerade as being devoted to the public good, even as they rely on corporate money to finance their campaigns.
   In addition, they are fond of attempting to humiliate those who disagree with them  -- other candidates -- as well as those who disclose information embarrassing to them --  journalists.
   It matters not whether the report is true. The point is that it tarnishes their Golden Image.
   Lost in the tirade of verbal venom against the news media, for example, is the idea that reporters really don't care about the politician's Golden Image. Their concern is about getting a good story, and it doesn't matter whether the subject is a Democrat, a Republican, a liberal, a conservative, or anything else. If the report tarnishes the carefully polished Golden Image, so much more the fun for the reporters.
   Perhaps it's time that the general public remember that's what reporters do. It's part of the job to expose the corruption, malice, petty behavior, and the fakery so common among political types.
   If some are more adept at camouflaging their fakery, that just means it's more of a challenge for reporters. And the more politicians attack the news media as they try to cover up their shenanigans, the harder and the deeper reporters dig.

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