Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Imperial Presidency

"My Senate ... " -- Donald Trump
"In your dreams, pal." -- Pug Mahoney

   The term "imperial presidency" was first used against Franklin D. Roosevelt, when opponents believed he was accumulating too much power for himself as the nation struggled to recover from the Great Depression and then to fight World War II.
   These days, many Americans believe the current president acts as if he believes himself to be the monarch of all he surveys, especially when it comes to the southern border and international relations.
   Keep in mind that at one point in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, his remarks were interrupted by laughter from the international delegates. However, it was not because he made a joke, but because of his attitude.
   Now, as refugees from Central America try to reach the United States in search of a better life, the president warns that he may "close the border permanently" to keep out what he seems to consider riff-raff.
   But consider the implications of a total border shutdown. The first question becomes, Against whom? This leads to other questions, such as, Everyone, or just those seeking refuge and opportunity?
   And would the proposed wall be like the one in Berlin, which closed off all contact of every kind, including commerce and tourism?
   A permanent border shutdown would stop all imports and exports from manufacturing and assembly lines, for example, putting many thousands of people out of work, as well as closing off the vacation and tourist businesses.
   Or would the shutdown be only a one-way halt, where Americans would be able to cross the border whenever and however they wished, while tourists from Mexico as well as refugees from Central America would be blocked out?
   How would the government of Mexico react to that?
   Be careful what you wish for.  You may get it.

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