Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Beware of Absolutes

   "No Administration has accomplished more in its first two years than the Trump Administration." -- President Donald Trump

   Here's a brief check list:

   During Woodrow Wilson's first two years in office, the Federal Reserve banking system began, in 1914.
   When Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in 1933, his first two years saw numerous programs to end the Great Depression, including the New Deal, with its efforts to regulate banks, aid the jobless, create jobs with the unemployed number in the millions, raise farm prices, set minimum wage and production standards, establish the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Rural Electrification program, the National Recovery Act, and the Social Security Act.
   During Dwight D. Eisenhower's first two years in office, the U.S. agreed to an armistice for the war in Korea, joined the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) and the Warsaw Treaty Organization. Ike also continued the New Deal program, expanded Social Security, started the Interstate Highway System and established NASA.
   Soon after Lyndon B. Johnson took office, the nation had the Job Corps, the Peace Corps, the Great Society program and the War on Poverty program.
   In the first two years of the Barack Obama Administration, the nation got the Affordable Care Act for health care, the Fair Pay Act, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to stimulate the economy after an earlier financial collapse.
   As for the Trump Administration's major accomplishments, arguably the biggest and most significant was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which slashed corporate taxes by 15 percent and reduced the income tax rate for high earners.
   Meanwhile, the nation's economy may be on the brink of recession.
   Were there other Trump accomplishments that were significant or that matched -- much less exceeded -- the influence and effects of other presidential actions?
   So it's possible that the Trump Administration has accomplished more in its first two years than any other administration. But has it been positive or negative? Stay tuned.

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