Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Ballot Blathering

   As for the allegation that "millions and millions" of fake ballots are being sent to voters, consider this: There are 436 federal election districts in America, including the District of Columbia. In Pennsylvania alone there are 79 counties, and 18 representatives sent to the U.S. House. The PA House has 203 members, one for each election district in the state. In addition, there are county, city and municipality candidates, and that would require separate ballots for each district. That makes for a minimum of 203 different ballots in Pennsylvania plus however many there are to accommodate county, city and town candidates.
   Add to that the number of cities, towns and state legislative 
districts throughout the nation, and the idea that "fake" ballots -- each different -- will be sent to the more than 150 million registered voters in the U.S. becomes so much blathering by someone who is already making up excuses if he loses.
   He did the same blathering four years ago, complaining that the fix was in, favoring the opposition. Surprise! He won -- not the popular vote, but the electoral vote. So who did the fixing?
   Also, only a few states allow universal mail in voting for voters. Most of the others require that such a ballot be requested in advance of the election. Some limit the number of reasons a mail in ballot can be sought.
   Another point: Districts arrange for printing, which means that different paper could be used and different layouts, as well as different names, will appear on each ballot.
   All in all, the prez either has no idea what he's talking about, or he's lying. Or maybe both.

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