Sunday, September 20, 2020

Social Welfare

   Democracy in America is in danger of falling victim to greed and power.
   "Radical left-wing liberal socialist" have all become foul words, but that has always been said of those who endorse programs that might benefit all members of society, and not just the wealthy, privileged few.
   It was true in the late 19th Century when labor unions were being formed. Later, the income tax was opposed as a "punishment" of the wealthy and a gift to the "undeserving poor." As if there were large numbers of people who deserved to be poor.
   Then came the social welfare programs of the Great Depression era. Minimum wage laws and other laws that prevented employers from reducing pay when business declined. Unemployment compensation for those who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Social Security pensions to encourage retirement by the elderly, thus making jobs available for younger workers.
   Then came a health care program for the elderly (Medicare), and a rule prohibiting insurance companies from refusing coverage for those with pre-existing conditions, thus putting the full burden of health care costs on those with low income or inability to work. Then came a health care program for the poor (Medicaid).
   All these and more are government-sponsored programs to benefit all members of society -- to ensure the social welfare of all.
   But by demonizing these programs as "socialist," implying that they are all symptoms of a cruel dictatorship, some politicians and their followers want to dismantle all these programs, leaving many Americans to fend for themselves regardless of their abilities.
   This strategy would conserve wealth and power to the few members of the republic who inherited their status, rather than having to work their way up through the ranks of society.
  Soon it will up to voters to decide whether they want government to continue on its path of eliminating programs designed to assist those in need, or to return to its function of ensuring the welfare of all members of society.
   If that be socialism, let us make the most of it, even as we avoid a dictatorial government bent on ensuring the prosperity of the few at the expense of the many.

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