Saturday, February 13, 2021

Not Guilty -- But

   The U.S. Senate failed to reach the two-thirds vote needed to convict Donald Trump for offenses committed while in office, so he was thereby acquitted of the charges against him.
   However, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell strongly criticized the former president for his behavior, and pointed out that Trump still faces potential criminal and civil charges of inciting the assault on the Capitol building January 6 in an effort to stop the electoral vote count that would certify the presidency of his successor Joe Biden.
   McConnell used the rationale that Trump was no longer in office, therefore impeachment was pointless. But he did slam the former president's behavior, in effect encouraging civil and criminal authorities to file charges against him.
   Now that Trump no longer has the support of the political leader of the Republican Party, the likelihood that he will succeed in any future effort to achieve public office is diminished.
   Moreover, if Trump is convicted of criminal charges that he incited the riot, that would severely harm any attempt to be elected to anything. In addition, he still faces various charges that have already been filed against him.

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