Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Best W

    The basic tenet of journalism is to deal with the Five Ws of any story -- Who, What, Where, When and Why.
   These days, the final W -- Why -- is more important than ever on the national level.
   Why are the Trumpians delaying and doing their best to avoid questions by the Congressional committee  investigating the January 6 mob attack on the nation's Capitol?
   Equally important, why is the committee not swiftly issuing subpoenas to those who refuse to attend committee hearings?
   The translation of the term "subpoena" is "under penalty." But if there is no penalty for refusing to comply with the committee's order to attend, then there is no penalty, and the committee's work is pointless.
   Again comes the Why question: Why is the committee not enforcing its order to testify?
   The first four Ws are relatively easy, since the entire world has seen video of the assault. But the first -- Who is behind organizing the attack -- is of primary importance. The What, Where and When are easily documented by video and by personal recollections of Congressional members trapped by the assault on that day.
   That leaves the Who and the Why.
   It is nearly a full year since the event. (It was too well organized to be termed a riot.) The people of America deserve and need answers.

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