Friday, June 10, 2022

Political Hypocrisy

    Conservative politicians (Republicans) praise the glories of the free enterprise economic system and its ability to serve the needs of consumers without government control of prices.
   Yet when corporations boost prices by double-digit percentages, as is happening now, these same political types blame Democrats in government for failing to control prices.
   You can't have it both ways.
   Either government has a role in helping to stabilize economic patterns or it does not.
   In the past, lack of government intervention in corporate activities has resulted in the marketing and selling of poisonous substances, pollution of the air and water, and economic downturns so severe as to endanger the lives of consumers.
   Then, after economic disasters hit the voting public, government strengthens the rules to help save lives.
   Now, soaring prices are hurting many consumers whose incomes cannot keep pace with corporate pricing policies.
   Blaming events on the other side of the world for the necessity of boosting the price of eggs produced here is a poor rationalization.
   A better explanation: Greed.

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