Friday, July 15, 2022

Witness Tampering

   The latest allegation against Donald Trump is witness tampering.
   So far, there is no solid evidence that he actually did attempt to influence a potential witness to the Jan. 6 committee, only that he tried to talk to the witness. But the witness rejected the phone call and notified his lawyer, who then reported it to the panel.
   But even if he failed to contact the potential witness, there was an attempt. And that is big news.
   Add that to all the other information being gathered about what Trump did before, during and after the Jan. 6 uprising, and the future looks increasingly dim for the ex-president.
   Meanwhile, there are plans to call before the investigators former Vice President Mike Pence and attorney Rudy Giuliani, as well as other key members of the Trump team.
   Clearly, the panel is going very slowly in gathering evidence. It is also sharing information with prosecutors, who are building criminal cases aganst Trump, both federal and state.
   No president of the United States has ever been prosecuted for any criminal offense, but that does not mean they are immune.
   No one is above the law, despite Richard Nixon's claim that "if the president does it, it's not illegal."

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