Tuesday, October 11, 2022


   It doesn't matter how long you've had it. You stole it to begin with. The issue is theft, not possession. -- Pug Mahoney

   More evidence is being made public that Donald Trump took with him many boxes of government information when he left the White House, and is danger of being indicted for theft.
   Whether this is the biggest story in the nation's history depends on how you define "big story." It certainly is major, but whether it is part of a move toward ending the American system of government remains to be seen. If that happens, it would indeed be the biggest story in the nation's history.
   However, there are symptoms of a national sickness that would indeed cause the death of democracy, just as Julius Caesar led a change from the Roman Republic to a dictatorship.
   As it is, many GOP candidates echo the Trump claim that the presidency was stolen from him by false vote counting. The odd thing is that he was making that identical claim long before Election Day 2016, which he won. Not the popular vote; he gained the White House by scoring a larger count in the electoral vote, a maneuver that many observers say he manipulated.
   So much for the allegations of "stealing" the election. The question then becomes: Who did the stealing?
   Now, similar claims are being made in advance of the upcoming midterm election, scheduled for Nov. 8.
   "It's rigged," is the claim already being chanted, and this leads to threats of violence against poll workers and opposition candidates.
   One wonders whether similar rampaging discontent led to Julius Caesar's rise to power in ancient Rome, or to that of Adolf Hitler in modern Germany.
   Will we see a similar change in America in the next few years?
   One of the changes already under way is that many poll workers, typically neutral citizens who have been volunteering for the job every election season for years, are now abandoning the task because of repeated threats against them and their children.
   This enables Trumpists to move in to the job so they can more easily manipulate the vote count, the same trick they accuse others of doing, and they use such false premises to trash ballots that are cast for the opposition.
   That is tantamount to stealing the election.

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