Monday, February 13, 2023

Literary Inquisition

Inquiry is good.
Inquisition is ungood.

   "They are doing the devil's work, and must be stopped. They claim to be neutral and objective, but that's a lie, and lying is a sin. Therefore, to save their immortal souls, this devil's workshop they call a newsroom must be shut down, and we must rescue those poor sinners from their entanglement with Satan."
   -- The Preacher.

   "They have a right to disagree. They do not have a right to tell us what we may publish. That is censorship, and they have no such right. They claim a right of prior approval. We have a right to print all sides of an issue so readers can decide which they agree with."
    -- The Editor.

   People who call themselves true believers are stirring up a big debate. Sad to say it has happened many times in history. But that's what happens when a few people become enlightened, as they put it, and feel obliged to spread their message to everyone else. As if there is only one path out of ignorance on the way to what they decide is the only true way to enlightenment.
   The odd thing is that those who disagree feel the same way.They insist that their way is the right way and the other guys are mistaken in what they claim is the true belief.
   Maybe they're both right.

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