Friday, August 18, 2023


Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.
               -- Sir John Harington, 1560-1612

   We live in interesting times.
    No president of the United States has ever been indicted
   So far this year, Donald Trump -- a former president -- has been indicted four times; twice by a federal grand jury as well as by grand juries in Georgia and New York State.
   Unlike most other states, the names of grand jurors in Georgia are publicly listed, so their home addresses became known and threats against them have been made.
   Will the subject of the indictment urge his followers to let the legal process continue peacefully?
   Stay tuned.

   Meanwhile, consider this definition of treason: An attempt to control or overthrow a government by force or by illegal, unconstitutional means.
   Question: Why have none of the participants in the January 2021 uprising -- including their leader -- been charged with treason?

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