Thursday, December 14, 2023

Political Hypocrisy

   Hypocrisy is rampant in the American political system.
   So what else is new?
   Republicans complain loudly about what they say is illegal and immoral activity among Democrats and especially the Biden family.
   They talk at length about allegations of drug use and gun possession by the President's son. Not by the President himself, but by his only remaining son, Hunter. The older son, a former military officer, died of cancer.
   But that's not relevant.
   As for drug use and gun possession, millions of other Americans die yearly of illegal drug use and illegal gun possession is rampant nationwide. Hunter Biden acquired his weapon legally, but as soon as it was determined that he also had a narcotics issue and it was made public, he got rid of the gun only a few days after he acquired it.
   As for other allegedly illegal business activities, no evidence has been presented that his father, the current President, was a participant in any way.
   That seems to be the worst that GOP opponents have to launch against Joe Biden.
   On the other hand, it's useful to compare these allegations against those formally filed against Donald Trump, the ex-president and hero of many Republicans.
   Trump was impeached twice while in office (but not convicted) and indicted four times in both federal and state jurisdictions, for a total of 91 charges.
   His lawyers now ask the Supreme Court of the United States to decide whether a President -- current or former -- is above the law.
   Or so also said Richard Nixon.
   The Supreme Court disagreed, and Nixon resigned. Within days, his duly appointed successor issued a pardon. But that only covered federal offenses, not state.
   Donald Trump now faces multiple allegations in several states as well as two federal charges.
   The question to SCOTUS is now whether a President -- present or former -- is above the law.
   If so, that would also apply to four former Presidents still with us -- Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr. and Barack Obama -- three of them Democrats.
   That means they also could ignore the law. Or does it apply only to former Democrat presidents?
   Finally, that leaves unanswered the issue of whether state laws can also be ignored.
   We live in interesting times.

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