Sunday, March 3, 2024

Bigotry Marches to Gory

Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
-- Emma Lazarus

Unless you're Irish or Italian or Jewish (East Coast)
Or Chinese or Japanese (West Coast)
Or Hispanic (Southern Border).
The North is okay, unless you're Black.

Some of youse guys look like us, so you're okay.
Everyone else stay where you are.
I don't care what the statue says.
We don't want you here.
-- Bobby Bigot

   American politics is marching at a quicker step this month to a gory summer of name-calling and abusive behavior as candidates battle for recognition among voters.
   News media play up the story as candidates compete for attention and advertising dollars.
   All of which leads many Americans to wonder what's going on in the rest of the world.
   There is, of course, the issue of the thousands of people crossing the Southern border to get to Texas and other states, but few news media spend much broadcast time or print space on why they are leaving their home countries.
   Could it be that America is still the Land of Opportunity? Or that there are no jobs to be had where they grew up? And violence? Moreover, they eagerly take jobs that the so-called "good Americans" don't want. Besides, there is the issue of low pay and abusive behavior toward those in jobs like trash collecting, street cleaning, snow removal, house cleaning and other mundane but essential jobs that native Americans won't take.
   Clearly, if their home countries were peaceful and prosperous, there would be no need or desire to leave.
   Why leave your ancestral home unless you must?
   Reason: There is no work.
   America is where the jobs are, and this has been true for hundreds of years. Newcomers want peace and prosperity, but political bigots make things hard for them.
   Bigotry does not build progress.

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