Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Policy Matters

   When it comes time to set a policy on what to do and how to do it, government leaders should rely on the Five Ws of journalism: Who, What, Where, When and Why.
   Plus, of course, the sixth guideline set by H -- How to do whatever the other guidelines suggest. And that, of course, is the most difficult, even after agreeing on the Why.
   This is when social and religious backgrounds intervene, as people  try to impose their core beliefs on others, who are just as firm in their beliefs.
   For example, many True Believers insist there is only senior deity, and attach the name their culture provides as the only valid one. However, other cultures have similar but different names for any one or several major spiritual leaders.
   That's where trouble starts, and often leads to war.
   But what if all are right? Do the major deities care? Or is there  indeed only one Boss Deity, and He/She controls all the other lesser deities/angels/spirits?
   Pick a name or a language. They differ across cultures and nations, and each builds on the concept of a controlling deity. Or several.
   Is there only one true belief system, and all others are, by definition, phony?
   Or are they all true?
   This is where politics comes in and clashes with spiritual beliefs.
   Perhaps there really is only one Boss God (Dominant Deity) -- or in Latin phrasing, a Domine Deus -- and all other spirits answer to the Boss.
   People use whatever term their language supplies to honor Him/Her.

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