Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Media Muddle

QUESTION -- Why did the mainstream media let itself be used so blatantly by the so-called birthers regarding Barack Obama's citizenship? Regardless of where his father came from, or for that matter where the President himself was born, Obama is a "natural born citizen" because his mother was a native of Kansas. You don't get much more American than that. So why did the media continue to give space and airtime to the ranters over a non-issue?
   John McCain was born in Panama, not in America, yet the radical right made no fuss over that. The senator from Arizona is a citizen because his parents were citizens. The same applies to the children of the many thousands, if not millions, of those born to parents serving in the military, the diplomatic corps, or just plain tourists.
   So the answer to the question is either because it made for a "good story" or because the print and broadcast news outlets were incompetent. Either way, it means the media were irresponsible.

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