Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Liberty is a process. Freedom is a goal.

Truth, according to a dictionary definition, is that which conforms to fact or reality. But there are many concepts that we hold to be true that do not conform to fact or reality. For example, the U.S. Declaration of Independence refers to the "self-evident" truth that "all men are created equal," and that they are endowed with certain "inalienable rights," including the rights of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

To say that we are all created equal is conceptually true, but to say that we are all treated equally under law does not conform to fact or reality. Certain it is that we should be; but in reality we are not.

Happiness, moreover, is not a right; only the pursuit thereof. There is no guarantee of success, and the reality is that there are many obstacles -- legal and otherwise -- in the way of that pursuit.

The Rights so cherished by the Founders are true only in the abstract; but they are no less true because they are abstract.

As for being equal,  I may have the right to pursue the happiness of playing professional basketball, but the reality is that such a career has never been a viable option, since I have neither the height nor the talent. In that sense, I am not equal to Shaquille O'Neal. But then, how good is he at editing, or playing the bagpipes?

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