Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Hypocrisy, thy name is politics.

   Time was, a conservative Republican President would issue "signing statements" indicating which parts of a new law he would decline to enforce. Now, conservative Republicans in the House are demanding that a liberal Democratic President enforce federal laws regardless. H.R. 4138 would authorize each legislative chamber to file suit in a federal court calling on the Executive branch to "faithfully observe and respect congressional enactments." Moreover, appeals of a district court decision would go directly to the Supreme Court.
   The Congressional Budget Office says such a program would have "no significant impact" on the federal budget, since funds would come out of existing pockets.
   A companion bill, H.R. 3973, would require the Justice Department to report to Congress whenever any federal agency, for any reason, refrains from enforcing any law or regulation. Current law calls for such a report only if DOJ believes a law or regulation is unconstitutional.
   How odd it is that it seems OK for a Republican President to ignore Congress, but when a Democrat does it, it's tantamount to destroying the nation.

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