Thursday, March 20, 2014

Security vs Freedom

 You can have tight government-run security or you can have the Bill of Rights. You can't have both.

Keep all things in balance. -- Druid proverb

Those who defend government surveillance in the name of security should remember that in doing so we all lose some freedom of expression.

Free speech means you can say whatever you like, as long as you agree with me. -- Prof. Hans Offerduff.

"I love it when they're stupid." -- Detective Lenny Briscoe of TV's 'Law & Order.'

   A member of the new Ukraine Parliament committee on free speech reportedly joined a gang of men to beat up a TV news chief in Kiev because the station broadcast what the MP called "Russian propaganda." The TV station maintains it was simply reporting events.

   The gang videoed the thrashing and posted it online.
   INDEPENDENCE VOTING -- The latest claim from Russia is that if the Crimea referendum on leaving Ukraine is illegal under international law, then so also are upcoming votes on Scotland leaving the UK and Catalonia leaving Spain.

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