Friday, May 30, 2014

Ready for Hillary?

   She may not have formally announced, or even privately decided on, her intention to run for President in 2016, but already a political action committee (PAC) is seeking funds to support a campaign.
   Of course, the Ready For Hillary PAC, in mailing out fund-raising brochures, carefully notes that the effort is "not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee." But that doesn't mean the potential candidate doesn't know about it, especially when the fund drive's pitch letter is signed by one Craig T. Smith, who claims to have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years, worked on her husband's '92 presidential campaign, "worked with her in Arkansas, on over a half dozen campaigns and in the White House."
   The group was formed last January, the pitch letter says, to "be ready ... when she gets ready."
   Will she run? Realistically, it's too early for anyone to say. Those who announce early often are the first to flame out.

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