Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Selective Truth Telling

Hypocrisy infects the body politic.

"Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing." -- Vince Lombardi

"It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game." -- Grantland Rice

   In their zeal for juicy stories, political candidates often seize on one small segment of an opponent's speech, emphasize that bit alone, and pile on the criticism, often ignoring context.
   Sometimes this strategy is justified, but at other times it can be part of an effort to feed the media with stuff that "makes good copy," and will damage the candidate.
   Truth is less important.

   An obsession with sports and winning has spread so far into American culture that politicians are more concerned with winning election than in getting anything done. Therein lies the difference. Politics is about winning. Government is about doing.

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