Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Captain Petard

"Those who would sacrifice a little liberty for more security deserve neither, and will lose both." -- Benjamin Franklin

  It has been wisely said by PR people, "Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel." Unlike Donald Trump, journalists have tough hides and insults bounce off. Eventually, however, with enough provocation, they can and will turn, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes not. Here's a sample of some comments today. From the NY Daily News; "Trump has gone full blown Nazi on us."
   Another tabloid, the Philadelphia Daily News, showed a photo of the candidate with right arm raised in a salute gesture and a caption saying "The New Furor." Yet another illustrated its story with a photo of marching storm troopers of 1930s Germany. 
   He is a prominent candidate, so the news media have an obligation to report what he says and does. Meanwhile, it has also been wisely said, "give someone enough rope and he'll hang himself."
   Or as the French might say, he is hoist on his own petard.

   More than 50 years ago, Republican presidential contender Barry Goldwater based his campaign on this slogan: "In your heart, you know he's right."
   And in his acceptance speech for the nomination, Goldwater said, "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice ... moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
   His defense of extremism cost him the election. We can only hope more people vote by using their heads, not succumbing to their emotions.

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