Monday, December 7, 2015

Ignorance Triumphs

   This date, December 7,  has acquired a new infamy.
   GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has finally crossed the line of faith to American liberty by urging the government to "shut down" the Golden Door to all Muslims.
   Lady Liberty weeps in New York Harbor.

   Several weeks ago, we warned of "a new low in inanity" by political leaders as they demanded that refugees from war-torn Syria be kept out, even orphan children, and that a religious test be imposed. Recently, Trump endorsed a nationwide database or identification system to keep track of Muslims in America. Today, he went a monstrous step further, calling for a ban on all Muslims, that they all be prevented from coming to America.
   Would that include those Muslims born in the U.S.A. who travel abroad and would be barred from coming home? Would the next step be to implement the proposed registration list of Muslims in America, round them up and imprison them first in internment camps and then deport them?
   That would be no different from the fear that led to Japanese Americans being interned after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. That would be little different from the bigotry that infested much of Europe during that era.
   Desperate times call for desperate measures, say those who defend such tactics. But those who would sacrifice a little liberty for more security deserve neither and will lose both.

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