Monday, March 7, 2016

Declaration of Journalistic Independence

   When in the course of political events, it becomes necessary for journalists to declare their independence from the bullying of an abusive candidate, a decent respect for the opinions of the public and of voters requires that they declare the causes which impel them to this declaration.
   We hold this Truth to be self-evident, that all are endowed with the Right of Free Speech and of a Free Press. Moreover, this Right is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and whenever any form of political movement becomes destructive of this Right, it is the duty of a Free Press to expose the abuses of any candidate who threatens to limit this Right.
   Prudence and responsibility have shown that journalists are disposed to ignore such insults and vilification while they can. But when a long train of Abuses, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a desire to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to oppose such a candidate. The History of the present leading candidate for the Republican nomination for the presidency is a History of repeated insults, abuses, vilifications, forced removals, encouraging of beatings, threats to change laws, and attempts to control news coverage, all having a direct object -- to establish an absolute tyranny over Free Speech and a Free Press. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
   The candidate has a policy of insulting anyone and everyone who disagrees with him, but there is a special venom for journalists. He has called them "scum" among many other things. He has confined them to a pen as they attended rallies, and his staff has threatened them if they try to do their jobs. He has encouraged his staff to forcibly eject reporters from press conferences, notably Jorge Ramos of Univision. 
   He has mocked and mimicked a New York Times reporter with a physical disability. He has barred a BuzzFeed reporter from attending a news event. He has denied press credential to reporters from the Des Moines Register. He has said of hecklers, "Maybe he should be roughed up," and "I would like to punch him in the face." He has claimed that he could "shoot someone'' on the streets of New York City "and not lose any votes." He has implied that a woman debate moderator asked tough questions because she was menstruating. He has labeled opposing news outlets as weak, or failing, or dishonest, "a total disgrace," run by incompetents, and has promised to "open up libel laws," so when news media publish negative reports he can "sue them and win lots of money."
   Therefore, it is the duty and responsibility of news organizations to remind the candidate that they are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent; that they have no duty of any allegiance to any candidate who demands submission to his arbitrary, unconstitutional and illegal wishes. That they have full power to report the news freely, and to express opinions on the competence and abilities of any candidate for any office.

   Here's a partial list of newspapers and magazines opposing Trump:
   The National Review, The Federalist, New York Times, Boston Globe,  the Christian Post, Manchester (NH) Union Leader, New York Daily News, Philadelphia Daily News, Los Angeles Times, Des Moines Register, and others.
   All have been dismissed by the candidate as weak, failing, dishonest and other derisive terms.
   For months, such insults have been ignored by journalists as they continue to do their constitutionally protected duty of reporting the news without fear or favor. In fact, journalists seldom, if ever, take these abusive tactics personally, instead taking notes and reporting them to readers and viewers as part of their duty.
   However, there comes a time when bullying can backfire, as readers and viewers recognize such tactics for what they are -- over-compensating by a basically insecure person who only finds strength by belittling others.
   The candidate makes much of his own success in business. But as for labeling others incompetent failures, here's a partial list of the candidate's own record of business failures:
   Four hotel-casinos in Atlantic City. Bankrupt.
   Plaza Hotel in New York City. Bankrupt.
   Trump University. Challenged by New York State as an unlicensed educational institution. Name changed. Now being prosecuted as an alleged scam.
   Trump Mortgage. Failed in just six months.
   Trump Steak. Trump Vodka. Trump Airlines. All failures.
   Investment in a Broadway play, insisting that his name get top billing. The play flopped, and he never again tried to be a producer. 
   And finally, if he is as great a success as he claims to be, and as rich as he claims to be, let him release tax returns, especially those no longer under audit, to prove it.

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