Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rules of Engagement

   Rule Number One: Do not beat up on women.
   Rule Number Two: Do not beat up on reporters.
   Rule Number Three: Never, ever beat up on a woman reporter, even if said reporter is a royal pest.

   Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski apparently broke all three rules when he man-handled a woman reporter away from the candidate, leaving bruises on her arm. Lewandowski was arrested and now faces charges. Trump, of course, stands by his man, alleging that he was treated "unfairly," and was "maligned." Notwithstanding video evidence documenting the confrontation.

   Politicians often regard reporters as pests. But that's their job, to ask tough questions, even as they trail the pol and point a microphone at him. Those on the Secret Service protective detail quickly get to know who's a reporter and who's a danger, especially when reporters have identifying badges in addition to microphones and other recording equipment.
   Soon we expect to hear these phrases from the candidate, reminiscent of comments made about his opponents:
   "She started it. She did it first. It's her own fault, she should not have been in the way. She should not ask tough questions."
   DT has a history of attacking and insulting anyone who disagrees with him on any issue, anytime, anywhere, any how. He is especially spiteful when tough questions come from women, such as his attitude toward Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.
  Repeated examples of this attitude raise the question of whether he is, at root, afraid of women.
   This would explain his reluctance or refusal to appear on "The View" broadcast program, facing such intelligent, well educated and independent women as Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg.
   Or his absence from any appearance on the Rachel Maddow Program. She is one of the most intelligent and well educated women in all broadcasting, with a doctorate in political science from Oxford University, earned through a Rhodes Scholarship.
   So what's DT afraid of? Or does he not have the cojones to debate a woman?

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