Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Clinton Republicans

   Remember Reagan Democrats, the disaffected liberals who supported the Republican Ronald Reagan?
   Now we have a growing number of Clinton Republicans, who will vote Democratic because it would pain them so much to support Donald Trump.
   Among other things, these staunch conservatives cite the presumptive GOP nominee's arrogance, ignorance, vagueness, exaggerations and flat-out lies about his plans and policies (?), as well as his bullying insults and vilification of anyone who dares to disagree with him or question him for details of his allegations and proposals.
   It's a spreading quandary. Many Republicans dislike the idea of voting for Hillary Clinton, but it would hurt too much to vote for Trump. It's an old principle in candidate selection. People vote not so much for one candidate as they vote against the other guy.

Wealth and Worth

   So how much is You Know Who really worth, and why should we care?
   The size of a candidate's wealth does not matter any more than the size of anything else about him matters. What does matter is whether the candidate, if elected, will be beholden to others, to the detriment of the general public, and that is the rationale behind the custom of seeing details of a candidate's personal finances.

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