Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Media Shutout

May the Farce Be With You

   Ignoring reporters does not mean the questions go away. Neither do the reporters. Instead, they keeping posing the same questions, in print and broadcast forums, noting that administration officials either waffle in their answers, insult the questioner, refuse to even consider the issue, or all of the above.
   Nevertheless, the question stands.
   Currently, the White House has been reducing the number of press briefings, disallowing cameras at some, as well as threatening to take only written questions submitted in advance. This would enable them to select which questions to answer, trash the others, and disallow any follow-up questions.
   None of this, however, will stop reporters from pursuing information valuable to the general public.
   As if the Washington press corps would meekly accept such treatment and surrender to the arrogant demands of any government official who tries to control his message.
   The current occupant of the Oval Office has resumed his barrage of Twitter postings attacking any who oppose him, and blaming others for any difficulties related to anything he says or does.
   Since journalists don't have direct access to the president to ask for more detail and to question the background of his assertions, they dutifully pass on to their TV audience and print readership the content of his tweets, adding their questions, comments and interpretations.
   So who really gets the last word?

   Meanwhile, congressional representatives are about to take their summer break, but many will forgo public meetings with their constituents rather than face a barrage of questions and opposition from voters.
   Ultimately, however, they will face re-election. So who really gets the last word?

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