Thursday, January 25, 2018


Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

   The "America First" doctrine being preached these days may well come to mean "America Alone" in international trade. Many other nations are ignoring the U.S. as they sign agreements to increase trade among nations for their mutual benefit.
  The U.S. dropped  out of the Trans Pacific trade agreement and is threatening to cancel the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Result: Canada has just announced a new pact with ten other nations around the Pacific, and the new trade agreement excludes the U.S.
   So for all the bluff and bluster stemming from the isolationist "America First" talk, it's coming down to just that. Talk.
   Realistically, can America survive on its own, without importing or exporting any stuff to neighboring nations or those overseas? Take a look at the tags in the garments you buy, or for that matter the fruits and vegetables to pick up at a grocery store. In winter, a lot of food is imported from places with opposite climates.
   That aside, consider the politicians' demand that there must be more mining and manufacturing jobs in America, and fewer immigrants willing and able to take jobs that American college grads don't want.
   Of course, if the demand for such products rises high enough, and the supply of workers low enough, companies would have to offer higher wages to attract and keep Americans who would otherwise turn down such jobs.
   Result: Higher prices for consumers. The Law of Supply and Demand has not been repealed.
    The anti-immigrant and isolationist cries of "America for the Americans," and "America First" have only led to problems in the past, and will again if narrow minded and short sighted bigots have their way.

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