Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Loudmouth Lament

The more he prattles, the more exposure he gets.

   There are more important things happening in the world than the latest Trump tirade against whatever perceived journalistic slight ticked him off.
   But the man is the current president of the United States, and whatever he says and does is taken as having worldwide impact.
   The problem is, much of what he said is about petty grievances against news coverage. That in itself makes the comments newsworthy.
   One, because he attacks the news media so often.
   Two, because he ignores major national and international issues.
   Everything a president says or does is news, and it will be reported. The degree of emphasis each comment gets will vary, of course, and veteran tough-skinned journalists will ignore occasional personal attacks because the story is more important.
   But when the attack is the story, it cannot and should not be ignored.

   Meanwhile, don't hold your breath waiting for this president to keep his promises, most recently his planned announcement of his "awards" for the most fake news coverage of his tenure.
   It was first promised for Monday, January 8, then postponed until Wednesday, January 17. Comedians and commentators welcomed the early announcement with glee, and promptly dubbed the incipient pronouncements Trumpies.
   But until and unless the "awards" are actually made, they can be called Trumpie Tirade Teasers.

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