Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Sycophant Platoon

"You guess what I shall want," said the king to Anna.

"Only I can fix it." -- Donald Trump

   A successful leader delegates authority to decide details to subordinates while he supervises overall policy.
   The current president of the United States does neither, leaving a platoon of sycophants to guess what he shall want. While that may have worked for the fictional king of Siam in dealing with Anna, a real democracy suffers.
   Perhaps that's the goal for this president, to become president for life, if not a king. As things stumble forward now, only he makes decisions. All others are gone. And his decisions, such as they are, change daily, if not hourly.
   Meanwhile, the parade of senior aides abandoning or being tossed off the ship of state continues. Others have tracked the total of officials who have resigned or been sacked. The latest is Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was notified of the presidential decision via Twitter.
   As we say in Spanish, it seems the president did not have the cojones to personally fire Tillerson.
   Also, the president's personal assistant, John McEntee, was escorted from the White House because his security clearance was revoked. He immediately took up duties as senior advisor to the Trump re-election campaign.
   Now that's confidence.

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