Saturday, May 5, 2018

Random Thoughts

   If you want to sound intelligent and educated, use four-syllable words based on Latin and Greek.
    If you want to send a message that's clear and easy to understand, use plain English.
   If you can't do either, become president.

   Ideas fester, whether you're aware of them or not. When an idea is ripe, it bursts out through the mind-skin that covers it.

   Education is the acquisition of knowledge. Wisdom is knowing what to do with it.
   Many political and government types have acquired lots of knowledge, but their performance shows they don't know what to do with it.

  Sacrificing truth on the altar of hyperbole is the first step on the road to tyranny.
   A free press is the most important defender of a democratic system, and calling a report "fake news" does not make it false.
   "News" in the journalistic sense is information previously unknown to the general public. "Gossip" is very local information in a small neighborhood that people outside the group won't know or won't care about.
   The trick for journalists is to know their audience, and to provide them with information that they need to know or that affects them, whether directly or indirectly.

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