Friday, May 25, 2018

The Shamanic Presidency

"Truth is Variable." -- Rudy Giuliani

   The dictionary definition of truth is that which conforms to fact or reality. But if there are "alternative facts," as claimed by press secretary Kellyanne Conway, it follows that there are alternative realities. And while shamans believe in alternative realities, the government can only deal with one.
   Moreover, if "truth is variable," according to presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani, it may not necessarily conform to fact or reality.
   Which sets one to wondering, what reality is this administration living in?
   A shaman, like many religious and spiritual practitioners, can travel to and from an alternate reality at will, seeking the help of those in the spirit world to resolve issues or problems in this world. This is different from an illness, wherein a person travels to an alternate reality and is unable to return.
   This raises the question of whether some political leaders are actively seeking help from the spirit world, or are stuck in an alternate reality of their own making.

   Religious leaders would have no problem with the first procedure, even though the U.S. Constitution puts limits on it. Doctors and voters, on the other hand, would see a serious issue with a political leader who tries to impose his personal reality on the rest of the nation.

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