Monday, February 24, 2020

Loyalty Oaf

   The government has a new intelligence chief, whose only qualification for the position seems to be a fierce loyalty to the president. This the flip side of the "enemies list" compiled at the White House, naming people to be ousted from their high level positions.
   This is part of the house cleaning undertaken by the White House since the president secured a "not guilty" decision after the Senate impeachment trial.
   The list of those already ousted is quite long, according to published reports, and whose primary flaw was insufficient loyalty to the president. They are being replaced by others whose loyalty to the president overcomes any question or doubt as to their skill, ability or qualification to actually do the job.
   But perhaps that's the plan. With incompetence and loyalty being the only qualification for these high level government jobs, that means any and all decisions will be made by the president himself alone.
   This comes the same day that the president, on a visit to India, tweeted praise for the stock market performance as the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost more than 1,000 points.
   One wonders where he gets his news reports. Must be from his newly named ultra-loyal advisors and department chiefs. Others who had a habit of speaking truth and fact to the president have all been fired.

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