Monday, February 10, 2020

Tribal Diatribe

   Words are getting stronger as Americans try to deal with a revolving door for White House staffers.
   But as some former members join the ranks of the unemployed and become more vocal in their criticism of the president, his supporters become even more adamant in his defense and sharper in their attacks on his critics.
   The president is "a full-blown lunatic," former spokesman Anthony Scaramucci told students at Trinity College during a visit to Dublin, Ireland, according to a report in the Irish Times daily newspaper.
   And a political action committee that supports the president has called for Republican Sen. Mitt Romney to be recalled from his elected post after he voted with Democrats to convict the president of the impeachment charges and oust him from the White House. The move did not give any specific reasons for recalling Romney, other than to attack him for not supporting the president.
   TV commentators, meanwhile, display a list of White House staffers who have hit the revolving door, along with the length of time they lasted on the job. The record for the shortest time is held by Scaramucci, who lasted 11 days.

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