Sunday, May 24, 2020


Cover your mouth when you cough.

   Dominating the news cycle over the weekend was the president's comment that unless states withdraw the guidance that houses of worship stay closed because of the corona virus, "I will override the governors."
   But does that mean he will grant permission for them to reopen or that he will order them to reopen? Or that he will order governors to cancel their guidelines?
   Scholars point out that he has no authority to do any of the above. That, however, assumes the meaning inherent in "overrule." They pointed to three passages in the Constitution -- Article VI as well as the First and the Tenth Amendment -- which stipulate that the federal government cannot intervene in religious matters, and that any powers now specifically given to the federal government remain with the states.
   As for whether he can "override" the states, that can refer to influence over popular opinion, not legal authority.
   Moreover, it can be argued that leaders of churches, synagogues and mosques do not answer to a political leader in religious matters. Nor can it be argued that political leaders answer to a religious leader when it comes to civil issues. That issue was first settled in the time of King Henry VIII, and later put in writing when Americans wrote the Constitution.
   Nonetheless, the issue still arises occasionally. For example, when John F. Kennedy ran for president, many argued that he would take orders from the Pope, and not do what was appropriate for all Americans regardless of religious affiliation.
   This week, Americans face a choice of following the advice of health experts and avoiding close contact with others because of the danger of viral infection, or resuming a practice that is proven to be dangerous to their health, in the name of individual freedom and civil rights.
   Parents have long warned their children, "Cover your mouth when you cough," so they don't pass their cold or flu to others. This is no different.
   Your civil rights end where my nose begins.

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