Sunday, July 19, 2020

Election Warning

"I will totally accept -- if I win."

   Question by Chris Wallace to President Trump: "Will you accept the results of the election?"
   Answer: "I'll have to see."
   Implication: He may not accept the result if he loses, and will refuse to leave the White House at the end of his term.
   Compare that conversation, broadcast today on Fox television, to Trump's answer to a similar question in October, 2016: "I will totally accept ... if I win."
   So if he loses the vote come November, will he or will he not accept the results? Given his attitude of four years ago, he may not, and could refuse to leave the White House when his term expires on January 20, 2021.
   As it is, he did in fact lose the popular vote for election in November 2016, but gained the presidency by winning the vote in the Electoral College, even as he claimed the entire process was "rigged" against him.
   This prompted resident cynic Pug Mahoney to wonder, Who did the rigging? Perhaps he and his team manipulated the electoral vote by focusing on the states where he was likely to win enough electoral votes to take the office, thus making the popular vote in many other states irrelevant.
   Already, many Americans are wondering via Internet postings what will happen if he refuses to concede and leave the White House. Will that mean the Secret Service will step in and escort him from the building? Or will Congress and the new president leave him there and ignore him?
   Considering his history, being ignored could well be a more severe loss to his ego than losing the election.

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