Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Fake News

"If we did half the testing, we'd have half the cases." -- President Donald Trump.

"I've never been to Toledo, but that doesn't mean it's not there." -- Pug Mahoney.

   Watch for "official" government statistics issued by the White House to "prove" that the corona virus is under control. The president's team has ordered hospitals to submit its data to the White House-controlled Department of Health rather than to the independent Center for Disease Control (CDC). This will enable the loyalist team to scrub the data, changing the cause of death for many corona virus victims, thus "proving" that the pandemic is not only under control but is rapidly disappearing, as the president predicted several months ago.
   The president has repeatedly blamed the increase in infections on the increase in testing, insisting that fewer tests would mean fewer problems.
   Say what? If you stop looking for something, that does not mean it doesn't exist. Meanwhile, hospitals throughout America are renting refrigerator trucks to store the corpses of corona victims, because there is no room for mortuaries to take them. And intensive care units are overflowing their capacity to care for victims of the disease.
   Nonetheless, the president insists that there is no problem, and refuses to listen to briefings from Dr. Anthony Fauci of his own pandemic task force that the problem is getting worse as people ignore medical advice to wear facial coverings and avoid crowds.
   Fauci has been disinvited from meeting the president, and White House agents have begun attacking the infectious disease specialist for daring to disagree with the president.
   By the way, did you notice that mask worn by the president at his carefully arranged photo op as he visited a veterans' hospital was adorned with the presidential seal? All others were plain.
   Can you say, "Ego trip?"

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