Friday, December 11, 2020

Pharaoh Syndrome

   Those who insist that the current plague does not exist and is largely a product of news media propaganda, may be suffering from what can be called the pharaoh syndrome -- king of denial.
   And the more they deny there is a problem, the worse the plague becomes. Those who read the Bible can list nearly a dozen problems that the ancient Egyptians suffered before they finally let the Jews leave for their ancestral home in Israel.
   Americans today can list many problems of the past few years, including wildfires in California, tornadoes in Louisiana and Texas, severe storms in the Midwest, five boats suddenly sinking during a parade honoring President Trump in Texas, as well as the continuing  covid 19 pandemic that takes several thousand lives daily.
   Coincidences? Perhaps. But many devout religionists insist that the virus does not exist, despite the overcrowded hospital intensive care units and the reports that the president himself, members of his family, close associates, members of the White House staff and members of Congress have all been infected by the virus.
   Others claim any suggestion that they wear a face mask and take other precautions to protect themselves and others from the virus is a violation of their civil rights. Tell that to the many hundreds of families who have lost loved ones to the corona virus so far this year.
   As of December 9, nearly half a million Pennsylvanians had become sick with the virus, and the statewide death toll was approximately 12,000.

   Meanwhile, the president of the United States spends most of his time arguing that he actually did win the election, and any numbers to the contrary are fake.
   He seems more intent on staying in power than in helping to save the lives of fellow Americans, more of whom die in a single day than were killed at Pearl Harbor or on 9/11.

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