Sunday, July 11, 2021


    Hypocrisy is rampant in American politics. No surprise, but the current degree of hypocrisy is memorable. There has always been a lot of political nonsense in America, and the major news media have been covering new developments in the continuing probe of the Jan. 6 episode at the nation's capital, including the invasion of the Capitol building.
   Many citizens, however, have heard enough, and have lost interest. Others don't believe the news reports, even as new video comes out showing the insurrection. That's a big problem for the nation and for journalists reporting on the issue.
   However, it's important to remember the issue is indeed more visible because of television coverage and internet commentary. Gone are the days when the only news coverage available to the general public was the print media -- newspapers and magazines. Now, anyone with access to a computer can publish ideas and comments worldwide and get instant response.
   The problem is there are no editors to monitor the truth of what any individual posts. As someone once said, a lie can go around the world before truth can cross the street.
   The alternative, however, of having internet providers edit and approve comments before posting is not feasible, and is itself subject to abuse, just as uncontrolled postings can be abusive.
   Free speech is important, but there are legitimate limits, such as libel and lying.
   Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.
   Meanwhile, the importance of instantaneous coverage of violent misbehavior, including cruelty by police officers, remains paramount.

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